5 Yoga Asanas (Poses)

Practised for over 4000 years, yoga is a collection of different slow and fast exercise routines and numerous poses (asanas). In this article, we will focus on 5 well-known yoga poses:   

The Garland Asanas (Malasana)

Known as the “hip opener,” the Garland asana start from an upright position and concludes in a squat. Besides opening up the hip and groin regions, the asana also stretches your lower hamstrings and ankles.

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The Garland pose can be challenging for some people, so there are different modifications for beginners. For instance, you can place a support underneath your butt if you can’t squat all the way. The pose is not suitable for people who have lower back or knee issues.

Downward-Facing Dog (Adho mukha svanasana)

One of the most recognisable yoga asanas (poses), downward dog is also a very commonly practised asana. The target areas for this pose are your arms, legs, and abdominal muscles.

This yoga asanas starts with you balancing yourself on your hands and knees. The next step is to lift the hip and straighten the knees. After staying in the pose for multiple breaths, you bend your knees and lower yourself into the Child’s pose.

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Warrior 1 (Virabhadrasana I)

Like the downward-facing dog, warrior 1 is also one of the basic yoga poses. The aim of this asana is to improve your body positioning by doing lunges. Warrior 1 stretches your thighs, hips, spine and chest.

To do warrior 1, you move one hip back and the other forward, making sure both hips are squared to the front of the mat. The heel of your back leg should be planted on the ground. And, your other knee should be bent at an angle of 45 to 60 degrees. The arms go up and over the head with the palms facing each other.

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Triangle asana (pose) (Utthita Trikonasana)

Another foundational standing pose, this yoga asana is for exercising the hamstrings, groin, hips and shoulders. The triangle opens up the hips and shoulders and stretches the spine.

To do the pose, you open your feet a little more than shoulder width and extend your arms so they are parallel to the ground. Then, you bend your upper body to one side, with the leg underneath staying at 90 degrees. In the final step, you move your arm to your foot and the other arm towards your head.

Bridge Asana (Pose) (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

This is a backbend  asana for improving posture. It strengthens your back and also exercises the shoulders and chest. 

The asana involves laying on your back and lifting your hips in the air. Aligning the hips with the shoulder, you maintain the pose for about 20 seconds before returning to the original position.


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